„chivalrous jimmy 'pedophile savile” - with the UK Queen's OBE

Some people whose disco history knowledge is total POOR(!!) – say and write Jimmy 'pedophile' Savile was first disco deejay on planet Earth. NOT TRUE !! AND NO WAY ! HE WAS NOT ! “He was just and only first and best known PEDOPHILE among us disco deejays – that is it !

A few links which spread disinformation about Jimmy 'pedophile' Savile:




Jimmy Savile (1926 – 2011) ---  [slimy miserable person, etc]

This well known worldwide English pedophile still on Facebook and they not remove !! Hard to believe but his (this UK pedphile) profile still on Facebook --- https://www.facebook.com/jameswilsonvincent.savile.37

In October 2012, an ITV documentary examined claims of sexual abuse by Savile. This led to extensive media coverage and a substantial and rapidly growing body of witness statements and sexual abuse claims, including accusations against public bodies for covering up or failure of duty. Scotland Yard launched Operation Yewtree, a criminal investigation into allegations of child sex abuse by Savile spanning six decades, describing him as a "predatory sex offender", and later stated that they were pursuing more than 400 lines of inquiry based on the testimony of 300 potential victims via 14 police forces.The scandal had resulted in inquiries or reviews at the BBC, within the NHS, the Crown Prosecution Service, and the Department of Health. In June 2014, investigations into Savile's activities at 28 NHS hospitals, including Leeds General Infirmary and Broadmoor psychiatric hospital, concluded that he had sexually assaulted staff and patients aged between 5 and 75 over several decades. As a result of the scandal, some of the honours that Savile was awarded during his career were posthumously revoked and his television appearances, such as episodes of Top of the Pops that he presented, are no longer repeated.

Sir Jimmy Savile OBE ??????

Was Jimmy Savile's knighthood taken away? NO !!

In 2012, the Cabinet Office confirmed that there was no knighthood to revoke in Savile's case. However, a Cabinet Office spokesman said: "It's a living order and then you cease to be a member when you die.

"There isn't an honour to revoke."

Savile would have been stripped of his knighthood if his crimes were exposed during his lifetime. Knighthoods can only be held by a living person and fall away after their death, so they cannot be removed once the person has died.

The sick pedophile has been lying in an unmarked grave at Woodlands Cemetery in Scarborough for over a decade after his family asked for the removal of the headstone "out of respect for public opinion." The black 4ft gravestone was broken up and used as a landfill.

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